This sport reflects life. You determine who you want to be. Your choices make you into the person you can be. If you choose to participate only, then you will be an average performer and probably live a life that is not extraordinary. But, if you choose to excel (at your own level and beyond), then you will live an extraordinary life--one that is capable of great accomplishments, both personally and for your community.
This is a family sport. We are all one unit that feels together, lives through the good and the bad together, and supports each other. Our "real" family is also very involved. They are often at our meets and invitationals, cheering on all of us. Every Cross Country family member on this team is valued as an individual and as part of the larger community of the SHS XC team.
As the head coach, I take great pride in being part of this living, dynamic creation. Our team members simply become who they are meant to be: leaders, athletes, members, and above all better human beings. I get great joy out of watching this develop each and every year. I often wonder as to how it occurs. Perhaps it is the nature of the pain and patience involved in being a runner. After all, running is not something that most people do or enjoy. It is unique in that it hurts, every time. It is in that pain that we learn to persevere and overcome the daily frustrations of our lives.
There are no cuts in this sport. Participants naturally weed themselves out because of the work, pain, and endurance that is involved. This is commitment. For that I am most happy. I am part of something that is much larger than the sport of it.
Running is a lifelong activity that will change your entire perspective on your surroundings and what and how you accomplish the things you wish to achieve. Just believe!
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