Friday, August 24, 2012

Two Things . . .

1st:  Time Trial #2 tomorrow.  Be ready.
2nd:  Houck's house, 5pm on Sunday, for a Cross Country pool party.  If you would like to bring anything to eat, snack on, etc., please comment to this post so all can see what you're bringing.  


Chris Guy said...

Ill bring hamburgers and buns to the party on Sunday!

Gaby said...

I have a friend who wants to join cross country :)

gaby said...

ill bring chips and dip

Alexis said...

I'll bring some sweets.. no bake cookies and peanut butter cookies! And I believe Michelle mentioned bringing brownies too.

Anonymous said...

hot dogs and buns

Anonymous said...

that was me jarrett

Anonymous said...

Casey - Jello Salad

Anonymous said...

Wes and I are bringing water and watermelon