Sunday, July 1, 2012

It Is Time!!!

Okay. Come one, come all.  It is that time of year.  If we don't start preparing NOW, then the season will be one that just goes through the motions.  I need the seniors to start becoming the leaders they need to be.  Without you, we have little chance to succeed in defending our Region 3 Boys Title.  And the girls are that close, too!  

We need to call all of the underclassmen and get them running.  Mondays and Wednesdays at 8am with Houck and me, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm at the Dam with Fuzzy.  Leave a comment on this post if you're interested in maintaining our winning form.  

Also, physicals are coming up, too.  Come to Open Gyms to get the updated information.  

We've been talking the talk.  Now is the time to walk the walk.