Thursday, October 23, 2014


1.  The bus departs at 7:30am sharp and all are invited.

2.  Varsity Girls race at 10am.

3.  Varsity Boys race at 11:30.

4.  Awards Ceremony follows the last race which starts at 12:15.  

5. We are going to Golden Corral after we depart Buhl Park.  The kids will need money to eat there.

6.  Then we prepare for the next step, whatever it may be.

More weight.

Look above for the District Information.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Pics and Depart Time

New Pics are up from the Region 3 Invite (thank you Mrs. Murphy).  

New depart time for this Saturday is 7:30am.  It is wrong on the schedule. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Results for Region 3. Boom

Here are the attachments.  Oh yeah.

Region 3 JH Boys:  JHB

Region 3 JH Girl:  JHG

Region 3 Varsity Boys:  VB

Regions 3 Varsity Girls:  VG