Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mental Work

Today's practice was a solid eye-opener. Some runners are putting in the true effort while others are muddling through. This is the time when the work really matters. When you are sore, and tired, and mentally drained, that is when the ability to improve is at its greatest potential. If you can STILL outperform your expectations, then you are on your way. If not, then you are not where you need to be.

HW: Run the course, our home course, where we will race three times this season, in your mind--visualize it. See every corner, every dip and hill, each side-slant sodden section, the start, the gravel finish. See yourself getting where you need to be. Visualization of the course is the best way to make running it become second nature.

Comment on your mental work at the bottom of this post.


Paige Coon said...

This practice really helped me i feel that the course gets easier every day. I can't wait to see how i do in a real race!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel today was very helpful. Running the corse more and more is really paying off mentally and physically! I can't wait to see how I do in races!

Paige Coon said...

i agree with you emily i can't wait to race aginst other schools.

Danielle said...

I like how seeing the course in my mind makes it easier when the real thing is happening. In my mind it is always easier, so when I run it again, I think of that and it half distracts me, half allows me to pretend that it is actually as easy as it was in my mind.